Well, im back in full action. Right after school last Thursday, straight to the airport. Found out our flight had mechanical issues, so we were gonna be in Houston for one night then fly to San Antonio early morning. Went to check in, through security check, then did some homework, iPod, eat, drink. By that time, it was time to board. Flight took about 2 1/2 hours. Debated if I should go with the iPod or Employee of the Month. Decided to watch Employee of the Month, it was OK. Some funny moments, nothing too major. Got into Houston, baggage claim, then took the shuttle to Travelodge. Ghetto as a poop. Our first room had duct tape over the window since one of the frames was open. But you can still stick your hand in there. Creepy. We got another room, and that one was fine. Still didn't feel safe though. Ended up staying up talking with my sisters. Pretty fun actually. Got on the shuttle, whole airport process again. On the flight to San Antonio was a drowsy one. Baggage claim and found my auntie waiting for us. Went to where I would be living for the next 4 days. First impression: San Antonio sucks. No hills, seems like no one talks either. Worst of all, the days go by so slow. Got there, nice house. Waited for Angela to come back from pre-school. Thought she would be hyped for everyone being there. Guess not. She was crying and everything. Guess it was too much to handle. After a while, she loosened up and showed me her new room and we played badminton. She's really growing up now. On Friday, Bingo. I felt so old with my bingo marker and 6 bingo thingys in front of me. At least my sister won the 500 smackers. Saturday, bowling. It was pretty fun. Sunday, Highlight of the trip. Riverwalk and Alamo. My photography shined in those two places. After, we ate some ribs and onion rings. So tasty. Monday was poop. Woke up late, so we only ended up eating a steak restaurant. So tasty again. Took a nap, then it was back to SD. In the Houston airport, I saw a small girl rolling a luggage twice the size of her. Weird. Got on the plane. Sad cause one of the people in my plane just had her husband pass away in the war and she was being escorted to SD to bury his remains. So sad. On the other side, 15 blonds sat in front of us. So annoying and all of em probably have a Myspace cause they were taking mad pictures. Whatever, I'm done with that. Got back to Mira Mesa, and his spleen is going retarded on him. So, pray that his SpanishHand will go away soon. That was so long.
SO LONG that I'll upload pics and vids on another post so my comp dosent freeze.
I'm back with pictures. My computer has been so slow. I couldnt upload anything, until this golden moment. On Saturday, I went to Marc Refffffrigerators house. Fun stuff. I kept dropping food, it was pretty horrible. Like when my grilled cheese fell into the smallest corner possible. Sunday, LALALAND. Nothing doing there. Monday. Raining. Downtown with Jeb and Andrew. Didnt pwn at all. Jeb bought some blazers though ( you hear that april? ). while we were walking, we saw this sick ass wall of grafitti. It made my day. 1 of the pieces is pictured if you scroll down. Tommorow is Texas. And i need to finish my make up work for that. Blog will be in full effect when I get back.
These are Huf Air Max 90's yadadadadamean? Haha.

These are Huf Air Max 90's yadadadadamean? Haha.

Today's for Learning, Yesterday is for my pride.
Still at Large

Probably the best picture Ive ever taken in my life.
Couldn't make it on a 10 second timer.

Made it.

Met Calvin's cousin. Cool guy, not shy like other people his age.
Alright. Took out the money and the coins. Calculated everything.
$ 364. 25
So. I'm sure my expenses for living ( clothes, vinyl, shoes, food, money to hand out) will bring me to about $75 for NOW. I'm gonna try to cut that down a bit. Also got that collabo labbit in the process ( another $100)
so, 364. 25
- 64. 25 ( clothes. vinyl crap)
- 100. 00 ( commission)
200.00 / 1000.00 +
Might have to move a few things.
$ 364. 25
So. I'm sure my expenses for living ( clothes, vinyl, shoes, food, money to hand out) will bring me to about $75 for NOW. I'm gonna try to cut that down a bit. Also got that collabo labbit in the process ( another $100)
so, 364. 25
- 64. 25 ( clothes. vinyl crap)
- 100. 00 ( commission)
200.00 / 1000.00 +
Might have to move a few things.
Slow Comp
I think my computer has a virus. It's been freezing and slowing down on me lately. I havent been able to upload pics as fast, so this blog is getting kind of boring. I need to save up for a Macbook. Ultimate goal. Boo-yah! Stay tuned anyways.
Havent been here for a while. Today, got our new schedules, everything is the same for me except for my career class. Some new faces in some of my classes. Weekend went by too quick and ended up not doing anything on Saturday or Sunday. This post is boring.

My granny is staying with us for a while. She brought me 5 of my favooooritest white t shirts in the world. WOO HOO!...

Can't wait to pick up my cousin from the PI over the weekend. Gonna hit up some stores while im in LA. Hopefully I wont buy anything....but i have a feeling I will.
Ya-Ya loves staying inside during the night.

My granny is staying with us for a while. She brought me 5 of my favooooritest white t shirts in the world. WOO HOO!...

Can't wait to pick up my cousin from the PI over the weekend. Gonna hit up some stores while im in LA. Hopefully I wont buy anything....but i have a feeling I will.
sick day today. took the last of my finals, then played some killer. after school was even better..couldnt decide where to eat, eended up at pizza hut. challenger, montongo, jebriels house, rec. BAM! soo fun, and since everyone likes pictures and videos, let them do the explaining. MORE VIDEOS TO COME! IM TOO TIRED TO DO THE REST!

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