
Volume 1: Gatcha

Midnight Metal

Free shirt? Suh-weeet.

PSP time.

Mirar-ed Juno yesterday. Think the needness to watch this from 1-10 is a 10.000001. eWWW, you smell like Soup.



As you take your day off, just remember the reason why you have this time off.

Good season Chargers. Can't wait for next year cause we're gonna pwn Tom Brady hard. Time for the bandwagoners to get off the bandwagon.

Have a bueno dia.



..seems to like the Chargers. Just ordered the Midnight Metal Steven the Bat. First time i got a toy in a while. Feeeeels good. CHARGEE.....ERS!

Lean like a Charger, if you want to.

Start em young


Get Some

Got to hand it to the Chargers. Owning once again. Hoping for a healthier team against the Patriots. I smell an upset. Also, Happy birthday Melissa.

I love it when we prove all the sports writers, analysists, and other odds against us crap...WRONG.



Playoff Wild Card victory by your San Diego SUPA Chargers. Nice game by the Titans, got me scared for a while. Good step up by Chambers, Vincent and Rivers when LT couldn't go anywhere and Gates was out. O-line, good turnovers and stops. On to the Colts and back to school. Till Spring Break, then.

For Reggie:

New Years and silly string

Videos, Videos

Redskins lost, errrrrrrrrrrr. Watch these videos, a guaranteed laugh. If your a Naruto/Hey Arnold Fan, even bestttter.


Human Tetris