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Hello, hello, hello. Still enjoying Winter Break. I'll have a full post towards the end of the week. In the meantime, check out this video of Toy Story 3 that sets up the plot for the movie. When you're done watching this cruddy low-res version, check out the hi-def version that they won't allow me to embed. Hi Def
Back once again. It's been a while. Lost between all these new re-blogging Tumblrs and re-tweeting Tweeters lies this here blog that has been going strong for years but hit a long stall. For the past few months school, these damn t-shirts Lawrence and I are trying to get made, college applications and random happenings have been the subjects I have somehow forgotten to post on this blog. But now that college applications are over, the shirts being almost done ( thanks to those who have waited, it'll be worth it cause we're trying to make a few extras to go along with it.) and school being of the least priority, its time to get back on track. I think it has finally hit me that we're all Seniors. During Homecoming pep rally, we were all sitting on that side that some of us felt weird to be on. We all ( well, most) are applying to college, and we will be on a different campus than the one we'll be on this year. I've went to my last football games as a student. It makes me sad, but excited at the same time. But all I want to do now is just enjoy the time I have now with everyone, and thats what I plan to do. 

All right, so that'll be the end of my little sad little senior "oh no we're not gonna see each other next year" schpeal. My fantasy football team is in the playoffs against the internationally known Hella Hickies team run by Mr. Reggie Guerrero himself. The other matchup is a gook showdown between Quang Lim Dung Phung and Emerson. Matt and Andrew, the two powerhouses automatically advance and face the winners. To everyone else that played this season, hope you had fun and please play again next year. Hopefully we'll have a 12 or 14 man league. Also, when I was at Jeb's one day, he showed me this one show called The League. It's basically a bunch of guys playing fantasy football ( gee, doesn't that sound familiar). Yea, so if anyone is into an Office type comedy with fantasy football, try it out. FX, Thursdays, 10:30 pm.
The Thundercats season also ended a couple weeks ago. Even though they only had 1 or 2 wins this season, I always came out to support when I didn't have work. In the playoff game, it wasn't fair because the other team had Larry Fitzgerald, Matt Donaldson AND Mr. Morse on their team. All we had were a bunch of slutty boys. MVP for the season is a tie between Quang Phung and CJ Yu, with a slight advantage towards Quang Phung. 

I also went to the Eagles game a couple weeks ago. The Chargers won of course, and are riding a 7 game winning streak. Hopefully we win against the Cowboys so I can rub it in Anthony Graham's face. Philip Rivers should be in the Pro Bowl as well as a candidate for MVP. But since these are all subject to popularity contests, he will get snubbed once again. Such a shame. 

Right at the start of Thanksgiving break, I took a little breather and escaped Mira Mesa to Caesar's Palace in Vegas. My cousin from the Philippines came to visit, so he tagged along also. I'm pretty sure my sister, brother and cousin all lost in roulette. I can't wait to play. We ate at a really expensive, fine-dining steakhouse at the Wynn. It was super good, but I don't think its enough to pay the price. Oh well, I didn't pay for it. On the last day, we went to the Red Rocks just a few miles away from LV. 
The rest of my pictures are on B/W film that is currently being developed somewhere. I'll have them in about 2 weeks. I celebrated Thanksgiving with my cousins this year. Definitely the smallest Thanksgiving yet, but it was still fun hanging out with my cousins and catching up on what everyone's doing. I rarely spend time with them anymore, so it was nice. Hopefully we can have an even bigger Thanksgiving next year.
Once everything was eaten and stomachs were full, my dad and I headed to brave the cold and the crowds at MCX on base. There was about 12 people in front of us in line. There were about 25 of what we were trying to get. Our goal was a $278.99 Sony Bravia 32'' flat screen TV. 5 hours later, I was rushing inside the store towards the electronics. Now, I didn't know if i should of run or not. Like, I didn't want to look pushy and like a crazy guy. So I did a in between walk and run. I got to the pile of TV's, hauled one into my cart and so did my dad. We headed to the checkout at the front of the store, and there was hugggggggggge line at the electronics. Everyone I passed kept asking me if I thought there would be more left. I answered probably not, but I really wanted to answer : What do you think? Look at the line in front of you, buddy. I was cranky, so whatever. I felt accomplished once I paid for it. I just hung it up in my room 2 days ago and now I'm just waiting for my family to switch to AT&T U-Verse.
Among my other Black Friday purchases were:
Capote DVD- Best Buy- $4
4GB Flash Drive + 4GB SD Card- $20
DJ Hero + New Super Mario Bros Wii - $97 ---Yes, I hustled with coupon codes and promo offers
Commissary Tee- $15 ----total impulse buy, felt like I needed to buy something for driving so far
Simpsons S12 + Family Guy S7- $30
Secret Base Walder Brain- $65 People still question if it's worth waiting in line for these Black Friday deals. It is sometimes and isn't sometimes. It depends if you really want the product, and if the price is really really good. Also, don't bother with those no name brands when buying stuff. But if i could get a 32'' Sony flat screen TV for almost half the price, and with no tax on top of it, I'll definitely wait in line. What's to lose? A couple hours of sleep? The deal was worth those hours. If these were advertised at Best Buy, people would have waited days in advance. Luckily, it was only advertised to MCX where not everyone can get into. Hope to have another successful Black Friday next year. I, along with a few others, went to the Dance showcase last night. Good job to everyone on the team. Jenny and Andrew Rubi were the hosts last night and they were pretty good. I thought Jenny putting Don on blast was a little too much though. I felt bad for him. Oh yea, and that Chalmer dude did his spasm things on stage. Yea. 

Christmas is coming soon, my favorite time of the year. Since I've had a job for almost a year, I will be giving a lot more than I have in the past. It will feel good buying people gifts with my own money. I have a secret santa with FAM and the Baskin-Robbins crew. Honestly, I don't want much, maybe some nice pajama pants and some clothes. I do want that T1i or XSi, but I really don't want to ask for that during an economic downturn. I'll probably just save up for one of those. Lawrence and I are finalizing the Senior shirts after a huge screw up from the printer. We basically had an e-mail war back and forth and we won. They are being re-printed and we will be donating the wrong ones to some kind of organization. As compensation for those waiting so long, we're making a few extras to go along with the shirts. The designs are definitely top-notch and from a scale of 1-10 on being badass, its a 9.9. You can't have anything completely badass. We'll have a post on the finished product and we're super excited. Only one more week 'til break. Happy Holidays and enjoy the not so sunny San Diego weather.