
Into This World We're Thrown.

woo im back..this post is gonna be picture heavy. just found out my cousin from the pi is coming on the 9th, and me, my sisters, brothers and him might be going to texas feb. 21-24!! woot. anyways, this week is almost over, so im happy.

decided to go picture crazy with my squidboy labbit...

got my wky deck in..

also got a hat over the weekend, smallest they made was 7 1/4, but i guess its ok, sd fitteds pwn ne fitteds.


Getting S**t Done.

doing pretty good in getting my stuff done for finals..just a few more things to do..

-finish last page of physics paper
-finish reading enders game and harry potter
-finish physics labs
-review voc. 1-12 and enders game vocab.
-finish all math homework
-finish all spanish homework
-last but not least : STUDY!

for the past two days, ive been working on homwork for 5-6 hrs instead of my usual 1. weird, but oh well.


So Much, So Little Time.

damn, school is killing me once again. nothing fun at all today, went home right after school. worked on my physics paper and im glad to get 2 pages done. went to precon, pretty fun but not as fun as last week. went home, did some more homework..

last crap to do:

page oh physics paper
enders game vocab
all my homework from all my classes
study for finals.

argh, too much stuff to do, so little time.
also, im getting kinda tired of putting up new pics of art, pics and vinyl everyday,so i changed it to a weekly thing.

well, peace


School is Killing Me..

advisory day, happy it was a short day today, but these next 2 weeks are gonna be so retared and hard with the semester ending and all. after school, ate pho with reggie, brandon, cj and tony. havent had that in a while, so it was bombdiggity. then went to the library, did brandons 1/2 spanish homework haha, then went over to VONS so reggie could buy his power bar or whatever, which we ended up not finding. got picked up, got home, slept, homework, forums, and now here.

to keep track of what i neeed to do until the end of the semester.

i cant wait until this semester is over, peace!



looks like i cant keep the hope not buying any clothes. was great waking up at 1130 today. went out with my sisters again. too lazy to put where we went...but heres a picture that sums up my day.

woo, after all that, came home to this:

well, got bored, so look at my KAWS wall that i arranged in the summer:



pretty dang good day. school, took some tests, and the weather was actually bearable. went to fuddruckers after school, funny ass crap when me, brandon and jose were cracking up ssssssssssssssssupremely hard at something dumb, someone putting tabasco sauce into aprils fruit punch. headed to the rec after and got a ride home from tony. his brother and sister are really nice.

inspirted by kris wtfunks, i am making a priority list of things to get within the next 373823728732 days..

-squidboy x WKY commission labbit
-clothes ( after my 1 month of nothing)--------------------DONE
-more customs
-jeans for sure----------------------------DONE
-more customs..
-and possibly a labtop, macbook or dell, this wont be easy to come by..


Not San Diego..

i feel like im in alaska in the morning..its so cold. in p.e, played football, physics, some werid lab with ferdie, english, read enders game, computers, used the internet, lunch, boring, math-did some homework, spanish- hablaba en espanol. today was boring, pretty dang happy its friday tommorow. whats everyone up for tommmorow?

waiting for some stuff in the mail, when it comes ill post pics.


No More Stuff

Right Jeb, nothing for a month?

Looks like I won't be needing these:



OK day today, was suppose to go downtown with kris today, but ended up going out with my sisters today. Went to Ikea, tons of things i want from there, went over to Target, bought my mom a boombox, then to Ross, got myself a $3 Puma hat ( what a steal), went to Mervyns, ended up not buying anything. Wew, boring post today. Peace.

Orange Labbit Death Gift.

What am i doing blogging at 1:13 AM?

just wanted to show the new commission labbit i just got done by squidboy. its B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.

words from squid:
more of a stream of conscience work. incorporating random thoughts and tunes stuck in my head while painting. things i like about this labbit...
the school girl on the ear looks like a extra toy.
a word bubble was painted in to look like a worm...and rather fitting as if he's refering to bait as he dangels a stars. i think he's speaking of dirt and the body.
the other side just came about...looks like the skull-creature has just painted up a heart for someone. says "custom" with a monster lisp..."cuthdum".
the school girl is quoating "riders on the storm"...a song that wouldn't leave my head untill this was compleated. i like thinking it is the customs who feel this way as well.
the front does say "orange labbit death". death as in cool. lol.
stretching it a bit, i like the concept that the words on the custom state a rather bane exsistance of sorts, coupled with the worm speaker, then shares in an exchange of gifts and then spells out exactly what that is, a labbit.
really, just writting custom/cuthdum and labbit on a custom labbit was the kicker for me.
happy birthday DeJesus.



Well. Here i am with a blog, should be fun.

So. Melissas party. Ate, then watched the Chargers game. Kaeding is gay and pretty muched ended the hopes of going on in the playoffs. Outcome kinda ruined my day. Oh well, rest of the time I was just doing random crap. Singing Silent Night, playing Taboo. Yea, still kinda pissed about the Chargers. Whatever, there's always next year.

He's turning off the lights until next season.