just wanted to show the new commission labbit i just got done by squidboy. its B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
words from squid:
more of a stream of conscience work. incorporating random thoughts and tunes stuck in my head while painting. things i like about this labbit...
the school girl on the ear looks like a extra toy.
a word bubble was painted in to look like a worm...and rather fitting as if he's refering to bait as he dangels a stars. i think he's speaking of dirt and the body.
the other side just came about...looks like the skull-creature has just painted up a heart for someone. says "custom" with a monster lisp..."cuthdum".
the school girl is quoating "riders on the storm"...a song that wouldn't leave my head untill this was compleated. i like thinking it is the customs who feel this way as well.
the front does say "orange labbit death". death as in cool. lol.
stretching it a bit, i like the concept that the words on the custom state a rather bane exsistance of sorts, coupled with the worm speaker, then shares in an exchange of gifts and then spells out exactly what that is, a labbit.
really, just writting custom/cuthdum and labbit on a custom labbit was the kicker for me.
happy birthday DeJesus.

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