
Beautification, Hanesbeasts and Birthdays. Oh my.!

Man, Saturday was a pretty hectic day. From 10am-4pm I went to Sandburg's Beautification Day to get some service hours. Was a lot harder than I thought. The hay and leaves we were raking and throwing away were never-ending. Had to deliver some stuff to rooms and throw away at least 20 bags of trash. Whatever though, I got pizza and two extra service hours.

After, I went to Jeb's house. Finally got his stuck butt to the next part of God of War. I went to church after Jeb's. I was pretty tired but I was still able to listen.

Then, my family was thinking of what to do for my Mama's birthday. I also wanted to go to Marc's going away party. So, my mom said it would be OK since they were thinking about eating at Valley View ( age21+). Went home, took a shower and put on my tux.

Went to Marc's and pretty fun. Fires, beer, Matt almost getting caught for tagging. Oh yeah, and Jeb getting on fire!! ( Hilarious Video bellllow) Yea, whatever. Happy birthday Mom and farewell fellow Hanesbeast. Good luck!

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