Anyways, Im too tired to write stuff, so ill just put up the rest of the pics and vids. Didnt take any pics at Manila Night, but yea, oh well. Yea, new music too, doesnt autoplay though. Your lazy asses have to click play.
A Story about Noble coming soooon....
Kate Moss x Supreme x Original Fake.....dang. I would want one, but its gonna be 300 bucks right when someone touches it. Pretty freakin crazy though.
Monday- Don't even remember. Tuesday- Tests bangalore. Wednesday- Ortho appt. crap, some more quizzes and stuff. Thursday- Blue/ Gold Meet. Yah, GOLD won, which is the team i was on Friday- Fudds, "Movies", Barnes , Best Buy and Applebees. We never eat there, so yeah.
New camera I'm gonna save up for. Don't want an SLR yet, decided that Im not ready money wise for that ish-ness. I like point and shoot. Whats not better than a camera in between those two?
Yeah, to get everyone caught up i guess. Week was pretty tough, some test or quiz everyday. Thursday was a good meet, and i got one of those Athlete of the Meet shirts. Suh-weet. After, Yogurt World and McDonalds after practice, then movies later on with Matt, Calvin, Brandon, Reggie and Tony. Yeah, guys night out I suppose. Coulda had Stacey and Deanne go, but yeah, they couldn't. We went to Best Buy to get something for Tony. Then we walked to Pho Calli and saw this guy fall on his bike, then get up like hes all cool, looks back at us and says...
yeah, on our way to pho, we bumped into Hector. And he was talking about some "secret" dream that only Reggie could know about. Me, Brandon, Tony and Matt retalliated with this. Commentary by Brandon.
Hahaha. After, we went back to the movies to see the Asian Guy with the Ukelele. Got bored, so we made a video with some time lapse thing that Joseph introduced me too. Pretty fun, and thanks for showing me Joseph. After that, home, shower, sleep.
Saturday- Cancelled Garage sale, then Bowling 4 Cans, semi-owned and my sponsors owe me 110.50 total. After, went to Alejandros, then went to Church with Matt, Reggie and Andrew. Then we were going to go to Black Angus, but being who we all are, we changed spots all the way to Hometown Buffet. We bought April a huge ass Mexican flag balloon for her birthday. Yeah, Happy Birthday Abril! After Hometown, Target, then here. Someone left me a present when i got home, cause there was a hundred dollar bill on my dresser. CHA CHING!
Senior, MMHS, family, Fam, fellow amigos, buddies, whatever you want to call them. God, Kratos, photography, Japanese Vinyl, Kaiju, Food and lots of it, Clothes & Fashion, Vans, Nikes, almost any Arizona drink, SD Chargers. Ice cream scooper who can make a mean mocha blast. Ninja assassin by night. Hangin' out, laughs. Yes, thee life.