

posts. Dang, im a loser.

Time Lapse stuff

Anyways, Im too tired to write stuff, so ill just put up the rest of the pics and vids. Didnt take any pics at Manila Night, but yea, oh well. Yea, new music too, doesnt autoplay though. Your lazy asses have to click play.

A Story about Noble coming soooon....


Kate Moss x Supreme x Original Fake.....dang. I would want one, but its gonna be 300 bucks right when someone touches it. Pretty freakin crazy though.

1 comment:

AC Bajet. said...

michael! dude, do you have any more pictures you took? like crazy pictures that you really like? cause if so, send me sooome! cause...whenever i get bored, i like editing pictures. :P

so pleaase.