
Dissappointing Sunday

Went to the Chargers game. Loss.
Fantasy Football. Loss.
Denver Win. Loss.
School tommorow. Loss.

Yup, that sucks. Chargers still got a shot at the playoffs, it would be a miracle,but with the way they're playing now, I would have to say they're not going to and even if they do, I really don't think they deserve to be with the way they're playing. The offense, defense, special teams have good and off weeks every week. They're never all working.

Still have hope, but time is running out and Denver sh**ed on the Jets. They're pulling away.

Tommorows forecast looks really nice:
Fog in the morning to sunny afternoon
High: 75 degrees F
- from Weather.com

Fun break but its time to start using those pencils again.

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