
Cove and Work

I went to La Jolla Cove yesterday with peeps from the Photography Club and Mr. Schmidt. It was a good time, got some good pictures. Also, when we were there, some guy proposed to his girlfriend, and we were there to get pictures. That was pretty cool. Also, there was this "Project Freeze" going on where people froze to raise awareness on human trafficking. We saw a Mr. Maheu look alike, and ate some good ass burgers too. Then at the end, we randomly saw Brandon there. The sunset was pretty nice too.

Project Freeze:

We also saw this like 6 year old holding his own Nikon SLR with a bag and everything:
Me: Dang, Mr. Schmidt, look at that kid, he's ballin'
Schmidt: What does ballin' mean?
Me: Like he has a lot of money,he's ballin'
Schmidt: Oh, I always thought ballin' meant something different
Me: Like what?
Schmidt: It either means you having sex, that was from the 70's, or that you're crying. And I sure didn't see him doing either.

Mr. Schmidt also thinks its funny when Asian people talk to their parents in a foreign language, then talk in perfect English after that. Hahahaha.

Then today, I went to church. Then had work. I forgot to freakin' clock in again. I need to stop forgetting. Then I got home, crashed, and started doing the upload process of all my pictures and what not. Should be a fun day tommorow. I want Spring Break to last forever.

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