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Honestly, I don't even know where to start. I think I'll start off with what's happening today so I can get that out of the way. So today was a cleaning day in this household, and later on I plan being a couch potato. Lakers game at 5:30 ( let's just fast forward to Lakers-Celtics, right?), then...drumroll please.
LOST is finally coming to an end. You've seen the commercials on TV, the billboards while driving, and the bus ads all over the place. I'm super excited, and I bet a lot of records are going to be broken during the broadcast. I hear it's being broadcasted worldwide at the same time, that makes it even crazier. This is probably the biggest finale since Friends. Fellow LOST fans, here's to hoping many questions get answered. I know all of them won't be answered, but a lot of them will. I remember starting LOST when I was in the Philippines one summer, got really hooked, then stopped for a while. Then last summer and during this school year, I got back into it and was watching a season a week basically. Even though the show kept getting weirder and more characters were added and what not, I still kept going. At last, it's coming to an end. I'm sure it will satisfy.
A quick sports update. What is up with Padres? Coming into the season where everyone thought they'd be horrible, and we're tied for first with the Dodgers. Still have yet to catch a game, but it will happen soon. Ryan Mathews. The heir to the throne. Everyone was going bonkers at Emerson's when we heard that we moved up to 12th pick. Vincent called Emerson and was like WTF, he's not black?!. We definitely gave up a lot for him, mainly that 2nd rounder, but Mathews will automatically make an impact. Can't wait for those #24 jerseys to come out. My predictions: 1200 yards, 10 TDs, 3 receiving TDs. Jarwyn called dibs on him in the first round, so everyone that even thought of it might as well give up. And a new Chargers stadium in Downtown? It looks epic, and if the Lombardi Trophy makes it to SD this year, consider it done.
T-Cats Season 3 is in effect. Still without a W, but its all good. Support as much as possible, with me and Quang doing the switch off every week until someone else can step up and work shift leader on Mondays. Some new faces in the roster this year, A. Le being the best addition from what I've seen. Raphhh is another new face. We could definitely use some bigger crowds, so come and support! You can also meet little Aja and ask her what she learned in Penguin school. 

So the school year is coming to an end, REALLY FAST. The last few months have been a blur and went by so fast, but I'll try to remember as much as possible. So, I decided to go to UCIrvine in the fall. I didn't want to go to State, so it was either community or Irvine. In the end, I chose Irvine. The campus is beautiful, and everyone I've talked to randomly about it, whether a student or alumni, had nothing but good things to say about it. Marc's going too,along with Divina. Don't really know who else is going. Yes, people are sad that we're leaving, but don't worry. Marc and I will be back in the motherland as much as possible, I promise. And I'm only a webcam, phone call, text and whatever other forms of communications there are out there. Even when I get super busy, I'll still be with you guys, count on it. Zot zot muhhfugga.

After AP Tests ended, the year was basically over, except for Math. The AP Gov test was alright, I think I owned the AP Art Portfolio [you can see it here], and the AP Language test I'm not too sure about. Doing the Art Portfolio the week it was due was stressful, but fun. I had to shoot a couple shots, and uploading it on the website was harder than I expected. On the last night we could do it, Mrs. Bartels stayed at school until 9 with us to help us out with whatever we needed. We all ate McDonalds and it was legit. Tiffany did a large part of my concentration write up, so thank you very much for that. All I can do about those is wait until the summer to see the results of those.
In other news, I'm going to prom with the Jahhnaaail Reyes. I know there's a video of how I asked her floating around YouTube somewhere, but you can take the time to do that yourself. I think we're wearing a teal-ish color and we also have legit mustache shirts. I hear the group is like 40 people?! Damn. Hahaha. Lawrence and I are still on the quest for the superpromsteezeee, but I think he already bought something. I think I'm looking for my stuff this week/weekend. 
Seniors won Powderpuff this year, but for some reason I wasn't paying attention to the game this year. I was just walking around, talking, and passing out Senior propaganda. The cheerleaders were hilarious again this year, led by Daddy J. As for Senior Takeover Day, Mr. Jeeebs and myself will be taking over Mr. Morse's class. Be prepared. Havoc will be wreaked and heads will be turned. The HFC ( Hella Farters Crew) has officially begun, and the Baskin Robbins Dream Team shirts are in the process. 

We really only have a month of school left, and I want do as much as possible. I'm looking forward to hanging out with everyone I can and just chilling at school. Recently, school is just for seeing everybody, then I nap, work, or eat Costco. Hahahaha. I really wish I could write every single thing that happened over the past few months, but that would take me forever. Graduation will be here before I know it. Even though everyone's excited, I'm going to be pretty sad because I know theres some things in high school that I will truly miss. I'll save the sad stuff for later. I'll try to be updating this blog more often now. I'll end this off with some Yeezy." I guess this is my dissertation.
Homie, this shit is basic, welcome to Graduation.
Good Morning"
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