

Track meet was yesterday, Long Jump was cool, got 2nd in the 400. Had tres examenes today, but that chem quiz was freakin hard. Not so hard practice today, but I was tired. Went home, was suppose to go to Marc's and 6, but i ended up sleeping till like 830. So my bad everyone there. JabbawockeeZ owned yesterday right?

Guess there's gonna be a strike? /rally/ showing of poorness? for Mira Mesa High School. With that 10 percent budget cut, funding will decrease 800,000 from an already low 1.7 million. No new XC or Track uniforms, equipment, textbooks, firing of teachers and faculties. Sucks, but if you really wanna do something, gotta stand up to to Governator.

Forreals though, what does he need that budget cut for?


AC Bajet. said...

If your school shuts down, GO TO MY SCHOOL! D:
Hahaha, if ya'll can handle the white girls there.

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here