Started off Saturday, with the sound of my vibrating phone. Checked it, Guerrero told me to get ready because him and others were going to the Swap Meet. I told him that I was too sleepy, and just went back to sleep. They actually got some pretty good stuff at the Swap Meet, so I'll go with 'em next time, and hopefully find myself a beautiful Chargers snapback.
Went to Hometown for CJ's "birthday". They changed everything in there now. New tables, chairs, counters. Looks good. I was never really a fan of Hometown Buffet, but they proved me wrong yesterday. They added a lot of different food, and it was pretty good. Especially this:
Orange/Vanilla Swirled Sherbet/Yogurt
This has to be the best ice cream I've ever tasted. I had 4 cones, and its soo good. Try it for yourself. If you like Creamsicles, then you already know how good it is.
Eating too much food makes people sad. Look at Jeb and CJ.
But Phi isn't sad.
Went to the movies, then came back to see a fire hydrant that burst on Mira Mesa Blvd. Freakin' cool. It was super tall, but by the time I got a video, the firemen already got it settled. You don't see geysers everyday here.
Also cleaned my room today/yesterday. Really cleaned it nicely. Me and my sister traded radios too. I think i got the better of the deal. Bought a candle at Target today too, and my room is smelling goooood. Went to Vons today too, and bought smoothie crap and avocados to make guacomole. And, I also bought SOME ORANGE/VANILLA SHERBERT ICE CREAM! And when I walked out the door, I saw Girl Scout Cookies. Those'll have to wait.
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