tonys turn
soooooo did you guys hear about that sexy guy named tony thats been going to our school. well i sure did.
ess. deanne says hi.
ess. deanne says hi.
Woo Gorilla Pee Perkins III
Bitch, I live in a fucking trashcan.
YEAH. Well, this is Deanne Lopez writing in Michael Dejesus AKA Sean De Michael y Michael Deja Vu's blog. MICHAEL'S TIGHT and we have a really old inside joke that deals with Darrow Perkins, yes, the III, Gorilla Pee, and Animorphs.
RICK SON JAMES? Muhahahaha. Yee.
Well, I'm craving Cotton Candy and my elbow feels weird for some reason.
I thought you guys wanted to know.
And Michael, you have teh c00lest backpack ever!! I also like your shoes. You can do that thing when you stand up on your tippy toes and stay like that for like 7.899 seconds. I timed it. Not really.
YEAH. Well, this is Deanne Lopez writing in Michael Dejesus AKA Sean De Michael y Michael Deja Vu's blog. MICHAEL'S TIGHT and we have a really old inside joke that deals with Darrow Perkins, yes, the III, Gorilla Pee, and Animorphs.
RICK SON JAMES? Muhahahaha. Yee.
Well, I'm craving Cotton Candy and my elbow feels weird for some reason.
I thought you guys wanted to know.
And Michael, you have teh c00lest backpack ever!! I also like your shoes. You can do that thing when you stand up on your tippy toes and stay like that for like 7.899 seconds. I timed it. Not really.
a miki miki miki miki momo :]
Hiiii :] this is Melissa and i'm writing on Michael's blogspot. Hm so i guess i'll write a little about michael? Well.. When i ask him for geometry help he gets frustrated with me. Sometimes i think he hates me, but whatever he's still thebomb.com :p Michael has these sick purple shoes!! I guess what makes them so appealing is the color. Purple is probably the greatest color in the world.
:] soooooooooooooooooooooooooo he has this wannabe burberry jansport backpack and it feels like a blanket. You could spot Michael a mile away because of his backpack. It really sticks out. Yeah so I've known him since 2nd gradeeeeeeeeee and i'll know him forever cause he lives really close to me :]. Oh by the way, our street is now haunted as of May 21st, 2007. Apparently this guy was getting chased by the cops and he crashed. :[ :[ :[ D: D: D: Anyways, Michael also likes watching NARUTO!!! >:]

wooo 8] Naruto is cool, you should watch it. MMmmhhmmmh i don't know what else to write.. yeah Michael he's cool you should get to know him. And never eat bagaong cold :] &&&& F4 Is the best 8]
:] soooooooooooooooooooooooooo he has this wannabe burberry jansport backpack and it feels like a blanket. You could spot Michael a mile away because of his backpack. It really sticks out. Yeah so I've known him since 2nd gradeeeeeeeeee and i'll know him forever cause he lives really close to me :]. Oh by the way, our street is now haunted as of May 21st, 2007. Apparently this guy was getting chased by the cops and he crashed. :[ :[ :[ D: D: D: Anyways, Michael also likes watching NARUTO!!! >:]
wooo 8] Naruto is cool, you should watch it. MMmmhhmmmh i don't know what else to write.. yeah Michael he's cool you should get to know him. And never eat bagaong cold :] &&&& F4 Is the best 8]
Alright so this Andrew G on Michaels blog thing. yeahh. crazyass day. you know. i woke up and went to school. Then at like 2:30, the craziest shit happened............................................................................................................................................................................I WALKED HOME!.........then went to commissary.
yeah. crazyass day. i mean, i actually did my math hw. its like EPIC.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aight late
yeah. crazyass day. i mean, i actually did my math hw. its like EPIC.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aight late
April`s SO cool >:8]
So, i`m writing in this since it`s "take over week" & since Michael asked me to.. Anyways, today was pretty cool. I went over to Melissa Antonio`s house & we did the usual, baked BOMB strawberry cheesecake muffins, myspaced, played piano, ate mochi<3, etc. & she taught me the beginning of this one song from METEOR GARDEN<3. & since i have a really bad memory, i sucked. Today was alot better then i thought it`d be. Since Melissa & Angellyne just got over an argument they had. It all seemed like it never happened.. & as usual i got stuck with retarded eating utensils. So yeah, F4 is still THE BEST. & if you mess with us, "YOU`LL BE DEAD" :]. Kay bye!! :D
Couldnt help posting. TADO shop is nice. Might have to get something. Banksy found. Link?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!
Notooooorious B...I.....G, babaay babbbay
Notooooorious B...I.....G, babaay babbbay
TADO Web Shop Is Open!
Dejesus let me make an entry in his blog and I had nothing to write about except that the TADO shop is open and Bansky has been supposedly been found!

The long awaited TADO shop is finally here! Mike and Katie from TADO have been saying that it will be up soon since last year but it is now finally here. The lovely people at Octane3 and Milk Bar Studios helped out with the web shop. The shop features many products from t-shirts to toys! The t-shirts are really nice but its really bad for US buyers. The prices range from £25.00 to £30.00 which translates to about $49.00 to $60.00. Pounds can be a pain sometimes. The prints up are very lovely, most of the selections are from the "Cannibal Funfair" show which was also the release party for the 8" Love Dunny. The toys are always the best when they are coming from TADO; the shop includes the TADO Jamungo Sqwert, "Porn Pirate" Circus Punk, Fortune Pork Colette version, TADO Qees, and the ultra rare Judge Death Mega Plush. The store also features tote bags, letter pressed greeting cards, books, sticker packs, and a collection pot! The TADO web shop is one of the very best web shops ever, so I'll be saving a lot to get those t-shirts!
Lawrence Chit
The long awaited TADO shop is finally here! Mike and Katie from TADO have been saying that it will be up soon since last year but it is now finally here. The lovely people at Octane3 and Milk Bar Studios helped out with the web shop. The shop features many products from t-shirts to toys! The t-shirts are really nice but its really bad for US buyers. The prices range from £25.00 to £30.00 which translates to about $49.00 to $60.00. Pounds can be a pain sometimes. The prints up are very lovely, most of the selections are from the "Cannibal Funfair" show which was also the release party for the 8" Love Dunny. The toys are always the best when they are coming from TADO; the shop includes the TADO Jamungo Sqwert, "Porn Pirate" Circus Punk, Fortune Pork Colette version, TADO Qees, and the ultra rare Judge Death Mega Plush. The store also features tote bags, letter pressed greeting cards, books, sticker packs, and a collection pot! The TADO web shop is one of the very best web shops ever, so I'll be saving a lot to get those t-shirts!
Lawrence Chit
Take over
Dont feel like posting this week. So people are writing for me. If you wanna post, ask me. Got three people so far. Un person per day.
jesssicaaa was here [=
heyy friends, its jessica. and im really bored right now. i know i should be thinking about homework but myspace is so overrated and i NEED it -__- or i just "need" the internet in general. well, im a procrastinator [still] tehehe, i honestly have no idea if i even have homework or not but i normally do my homework the day its due =P you shouldnt do that though. well umm yeaa.. michael is really cool [x you should try playing pool with him sometime. chuz when he plays with me, he has to shoot some of the balls in for me .. because i suck THAT much xP so he needs a real competitor. orrr you should try playing the online bowling game with him. lol. its cool to put in random comments. your other competitors get so mad ;) what low lives. anywho - im a cool kid whos gets loose wid' it and gets hyphy .. not really haha, but whatever. try meeting me. im stubborn[= and i dont know how my friends put up with me but thanks. mikan, you are the BOMB. bahaha you shake my world (; ohh buy the wayy, its almost 11:11. make a wishh<3 .. im rollin' out like a fat girl playing dogdeball. deuce'fo!
You'll never ever...
..Beat me in cleaning a room. I'd probably just dust you off or something. Seriously though, when I clean, I mean it. Like on Saturday, when i was Internet-less, I took out all my postcards, mail, stickers, and random assorted wonders and organized all of my drawers. Dusted everything, new pillows, new bedsheets. Lighted a candle to make my room smell good. You mine as well give up now.
This weekends sucked so bad. Dont even know if I can go to Brandons on the weekend cause Noel, Ralph and Angela are gonna be in L.A for 8 hours since they take off to the PI from there. We'll see. I'll see you guys later. Talk to me on AIM or something, there's nothing fun to do on the Internet anymore. Except a few things.
Target Fun

This weekends sucked so bad. Dont even know if I can go to Brandons on the weekend cause Noel, Ralph and Angela are gonna be in L.A for 8 hours since they take off to the PI from there. We'll see. I'll see you guys later. Talk to me on AIM or something, there's nothing fun to do on the Internet anymore. Except a few things.
Target Fun

OMG. If you watch Naruto, this is gonna make you laugh so hard. I think there's one with Samurai Champloo too that I'll find later.
Fudd Friday

School was pretty tight today. Watched the Update like 4 times. Took a test in Spanish and said my farewells to Jangis. Hopefully I can be as smart as him one day. Fuddruckers after school. Jawbreakers, Talking with Tony and Brandon for hours about superheroes, roller coasters. Pretty good. Target, played around with some toys. Video up later. Went outside, Brandon took a "photoshoot" of me and Tony. Got picked up later. Went home, played with MegaSeg for a while. Uh.
Happy Birthday Cathy! Not much to say, gonna be in the P.I with the primos for a month. Looks like no Comic-Con this year. Was looking foward to going with Kris and owning Comic-Con this year since we're full of kuh-naw-ledge ( Mr. Dahill) Was gonna get my sketch book filled and get some freakin toys and crap. Not this year. And I probably would of went another day with Andrew and them. Oh well.

Someone buy me this

Someone buy me this

Funks Friday
Hello everyone. Friday was alright. Physics wasn't that bad, actually knew some of them cause they were logic questions. 1-3 were a breeze and at lunch I got fed well. Pop tarts, Powerade, Cookies, Caucajon fries w/cheese, Bar---beeee---qqqqqquue chips, carrots, Breakfast squares. 5th, Got my progress report. 3.6, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Learned some subjunctive crap during espanol.
After school, made a finger puppet with Brandon's little plush thingy. Went to boba with Jose, Brandon, Matt, Calvin and Tony. We all shared two drinks, Passion Fruit and Lemon. When Matt and Calvin left, we ordered fries. Yeah, we're stingy and selfish. Hahaha. Mi hermana picked me up, fell asleep on our way to to the Post Office. Got home, slept, ended up going out with Kris aka mr. wtfunks.
We went to Alejandros. That little douche that was there yesterday was there again. He was all stingy with giving me and Jeb water. Today, it was smooth. But when Kris ordered, he was standing there for 5 minutes while the guy was still talking to his friend. What an asshole. Went over to Chuck E Cheeses to take a picture for the Doma Scavenger Hunt. Got there, really nice place now. Changed everything, new games, stage is on the opposite side now. Waited for so long and finally got the pic with him. Oh yeah, Kris went poo in the bathroom. Hhaha. Shit was gross. Went out to his car, used that Snake board thing. Retro stuff. Went to Artifex and found myself a sausage-fest full of Magic-the-Gathering players. Got out of there pretty fast. Went to Play-It-Again sports. Nothing there. Target, boring. Over to Marshalls, no hidden gems this time. Shoe Pavillion was alright, found 3 pairs of shoes. Might buy 2 of em. Back home, its time to get down with some Naruto and YouTube. YEEAH.
Sorry, no pics today.
After school, made a finger puppet with Brandon's little plush thingy. Went to boba with Jose, Brandon, Matt, Calvin and Tony. We all shared two drinks, Passion Fruit and Lemon. When Matt and Calvin left, we ordered fries. Yeah, we're stingy and selfish. Hahaha. Mi hermana picked me up, fell asleep on our way to to the Post Office. Got home, slept, ended up going out with Kris aka mr. wtfunks.
We went to Alejandros. That little douche that was there yesterday was there again. He was all stingy with giving me and Jeb water. Today, it was smooth. But when Kris ordered, he was standing there for 5 minutes while the guy was still talking to his friend. What an asshole. Went over to Chuck E Cheeses to take a picture for the Doma Scavenger Hunt. Got there, really nice place now. Changed everything, new games, stage is on the opposite side now. Waited for so long and finally got the pic with him. Oh yeah, Kris went poo in the bathroom. Hhaha. Shit was gross. Went out to his car, used that Snake board thing. Retro stuff. Went to Artifex and found myself a sausage-fest full of Magic-the-Gathering players. Got out of there pretty fast. Went to Play-It-Again sports. Nothing there. Target, boring. Over to Marshalls, no hidden gems this time. Shoe Pavillion was alright, found 3 pairs of shoes. Might buy 2 of em. Back home, its time to get down with some Naruto and YouTube. YEEAH.
Sorry, no pics today.
Testing today. Dunno what to do tommmorow. Thanks for the pic Lawrence.
Lists are fun:
Food/ Drinks of the moment
Arizona Watermeln Fruit Juice Cocktail
Banana + Pina Colada Slurpee
Souplantation's Blueberry Muffins
Certs Mixed Fruit Mints
Reeses Fast Break
Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits
Oyster Sauced Shrimps
Cup of Noodles
Welch's Fruit Snacks
Pica Fresas

You'll never find this on the radio. Not these days. Double Trouble is in the house.....
Lists are fun:
Food/ Drinks of the moment
Arizona Watermeln Fruit Juice Cocktail
Banana + Pina Colada Slurpee
Souplantation's Blueberry Muffins
Certs Mixed Fruit Mints
Reeses Fast Break
Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits
Oyster Sauced Shrimps
Cup of Noodles
Welch's Fruit Snacks
Pica Fresas

You'll never find this on the radio. Not these days. Double Trouble is in the house.....
Jebs posting
We collabo'd. Yeah, kinda jsut Supreme collabing with someone else. We signed a deal. He deleted his MySpace. Ok, bye.
Jeb is here. MUAHA!
So today was fucking hot. 92 degrees bitches. Michaels making me write because i was being addicted to GOD OF WAR. Fucking hot. hot hot hot hot hot. Everywhere i look is hot. So uhhhhhhhh. Fuck hypebeasts? SUPREME?! AHHHHH! Ill kill you. BLades of Artemis?
Ok. So here.
So heres THE LIST of Jeb.
Item of the day is:
HYPEItem of the day:
Topic of the day:
GOW. If you dont know what that is, your a bitch cock sucking whore.
HYPETopic of the day :
Whats up with all the hypebeasts?
Thank you. Go camp out or something.
Ok. So here.
So heres THE LIST of Jeb.
Item of the day is:
HYPEItem of the day:
Topic of the day:
GOW. If you dont know what that is, your a bitch cock sucking whore.
HYPETopic of the day :
Whats up with all the hypebeasts?
Thank you. Go camp out or something.
It's really hot. So hot, I'm in my boxers and i tossed the blanket. School, nothing going on. Alejandros, made a puckering picture of me and April to send to Jeb. He got mad for a little bit. Hahaha. Went to Brandons, then walked to Willys. Me and Jeb went to his house, played God of War, lumpia. Its freakin hot. Also, those things like Vinyl of the week and crap will never change cause my Mac is acting like a bitch.
My favorite song right now:
" Extermity in rhythm, yeah thats what ya heard,
So just clean out your ears and check the word."
My favorite song right now:
" Extermity in rhythm, yeah thats what ya heard,
So just clean out your ears and check the word."
In other News...
Saturday, woke up at 9. AIM, Boards, Tae-Bo. Went to church and Fr. Michael gave a pretty good homily about not complaining and encouraging people. Yea. Headed over to Jebs and helped him get through God of War again. Fought some minotaurs and medusas and such. Marco and his girlfriend were over and we went to watch Spiderman 3. Freakin sick. Someone watch it with me again. If you go to MMHS, on Monday, me and Jeb have a surprise for everyone. Got back from the movies, Touchblue and discussion of Spiderman.
Today, woke up and did some homework. Later, went out with my brother and sister to look at some houses. Saw a fire near Scripps. Listened to Tracks 1-19 in the car. Got home to some oyster-sauced shrimp. Wooo. Whatever, I'm done.

Today, woke up and did some homework. Later, went out with my brother and sister to look at some houses. Saw a fire near Scripps. Listened to Tracks 1-19 in the car. Got home to some oyster-sauced shrimp. Wooo. Whatever, I'm done.

I love you man. I'm gonna miss you . Good luck in the Air Force. See you in December. Retrospect baby.

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