
a miki miki miki miki momo :]

Hiiii :] this is Melissa and i'm writing on Michael's blogspot. Hm so i guess i'll write a little about michael? Well.. When i ask him for geometry help he gets frustrated with me. Sometimes i think he hates me, but whatever he's still thebomb.com :p Michael has these sick purple shoes!! I guess what makes them so appealing is the color. Purple is probably the greatest color in the world.
:] soooooooooooooooooooooooooo he has this wannabe burberry jansport backpack and it feels like a blanket. You could spot Michael a mile away because of his backpack. It really sticks out. Yeah so I've known him since 2nd gradeeeeeeeeee and i'll know him forever cause he lives really close to me :]. Oh by the way, our street is now haunted as of May 21st, 2007. Apparently this guy was getting chased by the cops and he crashed. :[ :[ :[ D: D: D: Anyways, Michael also likes watching NARUTO!!! >:]

wooo 8] Naruto is cool, you should watch it. MMmmhhmmmh i don't know what else to write.. yeah Michael he's cool you should get to know him. And never eat bagaong cold :] &&&& F4 Is the best 8]

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