..Beat me in cleaning a room. I'd probably just dust you off or something. Seriously though, when I clean, I mean it. Like on Saturday, when i was Internet-less, I took out all my postcards, mail, stickers, and random assorted wonders and organized all of my drawers. Dusted everything, new pillows, new bedsheets. Lighted a candle to make my room smell good. You mine as well give up now.
This weekends sucked so bad. Dont even know if I can go to Brandons on the weekend cause Noel, Ralph and Angela are gonna be in L.A for 8 hours since they take off to the PI from there. We'll see. I'll see you guys later. Talk to me on AIM or something, there's nothing fun to do on the Internet anymore. Except a few things.
Senior, MMHS, family, Fam, fellow amigos, buddies, whatever you want to call them. God, Kratos, photography, Japanese Vinyl, Kaiju, Food and lots of it, Clothes & Fashion, Vans, Nikes, almost any Arizona drink, SD Chargers. Ice cream scooper who can make a mean mocha blast. Ninja assassin by night. Hangin' out, laughs. Yes, thee life.
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