If you can, try to get your own laptop. Good use now and for notetaking in college. Might i suggest a Mac. Free printer and iPod with purchase. Act fast

Computer paper and filler paper. Dont wanna run out of comp paper when you have a paper due the next day...and get your own freakin filler paper, its like 30 cents, I hate when people in class ask for paper like everyday. Cmon now

A DURABLE binder. Not those cheap ass Economy ones or the ones for 50 cents. if you spend like a dollar more, it'll last the whole year. Get some dividers while you're at it to keep you organized.

Tape- use it more than you think, Scissors- Mostly for projects, and a calculator- for, I guess, calculating. Glue not pictured- but get that too

Pencil and extra lead- It's school, this is the most essential piece. You can go old school with wooden pencils, but mechanical pencils seem to have moved it. Make sure you get extra lead, your friends are getting tired of you asking if anyone has .5 lead.

Notebooks- 5 stars are best, but expensive, those 10 for 1 buck Norcoms will do you good.

Graph paper- for math class, Stapler- for stapling, Planner- for planning, and a ruler for ruling ( or making straight lines)

A Backpack- Please re-use your backpacks. No need to buy a new Jansport Superbreak EVERY year. I dont care what new color came out, your just wasting your money. True fact

Most importantly- Clothes, I got what I needed, a new hoodie and jeans. I have plenty of t-shirts, 2 hats i can wear forever, and a belt that lasted forever. Not pictured Socks,- please replace your holey socks. You know that you hate the feeling when you feel your foot rubbing against the bottom of your shoe.

-----Don't forget those textbooks either-----
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