Friday- Mohawk Haircuts. Turned out better than expected. Movies, nothing doing there. Wings and Things, good stuff. Lakers go on to Western Finals.
Saturday- CIF Meet, watched Mira Mesa's 4x4. Pretty cool for us, but hot for the runners, literally. Then went to Jack in the Box, and then Matt locked his keys in the car, so we had to find something to do for an hour. Did some random stuff, got some Aloe and Mochi. Yea, fun stuff. Went to Reggie's, some went swimming. After, had a little meeting about our lives. Then, In N Out and Montongo to get scared. My favorite.
Sunday- Some Speed Racer in the morning, and some Otter Pops along with corned beef. Church at 1030. Gospel was John 3:16-18. How coolio. Then Barnes to do homework and project with Reggie and Jeb. Then Narnia. Movie was alright, but was so dumb at times, that like, you wonder why they'd put that in the movie. War stuff wasn't even that good. Then In N Out, Andrews, then home.
Advisory Day tommorow. I think that's it.
And oh yeah, its officially summer at my house. When there's Otter Pops, you know its summer. So far, I think I've eaten about 20 a day. But I hate it when its like.....too frozen to a point where its not even good anymore, I like the mix of juice and slushy ice, num nums. Whatever, bye tater heads. Ahhh, the old days. Watch this, especially if you're Andrew. PO-TAT-OES.
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